R.I.P. Car Wash

In 2008, while out in San Francisco for a DJ gig, I met a homeless man by the name of Car Wash. He initially expressed to me how much he disliked being photographed, but allowed me to capture an image only after convincing him that I didn't work for the local newspaper. To this day, it's still one of my favorite images. Someone that lived out there informed me that Car Wash passed away recently. Rest in peace.

How do you measure success?

I just returned home from a brief business trip to France. During the flight from Paris, I spent half of the time trying to determine if I was successful or not. I wondered if it all ended today did I live a productive life?

Just before landing at Newark Airport, I reached the conclusion that I have so much to be grateful for and so much more living to do. I have children to teach, people to inspire, causes to bring awareness to, and believe it or not, many places I would love to visit.

So, am I successful? Absolutely. But, the definition of success is subjective. I've never defined success solely by how much income I've generated. It factors in but it's not the only indicator.

From having a lemonade stand on the corner of 118th Street & 7th Ave in Harlem at the age of 12, to starting a web development company called United Camps, I've always earned a living doing what I was passionate about. Passion produces payment.

I believe that in order to achieve real success, you must first find a career that makes you happy. Financial gain will eventually be the by-product of spending countless hours building a business doing what you love.

Don't waste another minute of your life doing a job that provides no self-fulfillment. Find your passion and start living.

Random Act of Kindness

After dinner with the family, we stopped by Starbucks for coffee. I asked for the usual, "one grande bold coffee, please." When the Starbucks employee returned with my order, he said "It's on the house, sir." That random act of kindness prompted me to photograph him. Being kind to someone goes a long way.

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